august 2020





  • 01 GM's Report
  • 02 Men's Golf Captain Report
  • 03 Women's Golf Captain Report
  • 04 Tennis Report
  • 05 Course Report
  • 06 Calendar


General Manager and Chief Operating Officer

General Manager’s Report

Dear Shaughnessy members,

I hope you are enjoying our new online format for the Green! This new format will allow for an elevated visual experience that will fit any web browser. I would like to thank our Marketing and Communications Coordinator, Adam Markus, for his work on this project.

Thank you to those of you who have submitted feedback regarding the proposed Locker Room and Washroom project so far. The Buildings and Infrastructure Committee and the Board of Directors are working with our design consultants to put together new plans and renderings based on member feedback and other information. A detailed memo regarding the project including new plans and renderings will be circulated to the membership by email in the coming weeks.

Over the last few months, we have seen many changes in Food & Beverage, and those changes continue. With leadership in the department moving on, we are working to take this opportunity to evaluate the department in detail. With the assistance of an external human resources firm, we are undergoing an audit to better outline proper processes and procedures in order to attract and retain successful staff members that will ultimately lead to a better and more consistent experience for our members.

The course remains in fantastic shape – thanks are due to our Course Superintendent Andrew Hart and his team for their impressive work. Maintaining our course with these record-breaking numbers of rounds is no small feat, and their work is truly appreciated.

As summer moves along, the outdoor Tennis Courts continue to stay busy, and the indoor season is looming. Please see Director of Tennis Jerome Fournier’s report below for information on our upcoming Tennis events.

With the reopening of the Locker Rooms for member usage, locker fees have been reinstated for the month of August. Shoe cleaning fees and minimum food requirements continue to be waived.

While we have been fortunate in B.C. to see the COVID-19 pandemic kept largely under control, we have seen the numbers of cases increasing over the last few weeks. We must continue to remain vigilant and cautious in our interactions at the Club. I ask that all members regularly review the Club’s COVID-19 protocols on the Member Dashboard of the Club’s website; major changes will also be emailed to the membership.

Thank you all for your continued feedback and encouragement – I look forward to seeing you at the Club!

Respectfully submitted,

Brian Mossop

General Manager and Chief Operating Officer


Men’s Golf Captain

Men’s Golf Captain Report

Hello members,

Summer has arrived!!

Not only are we getting these beautiful days we’ve been waiting for, but we are still playing more rounds at SHAG than in the past; soak it up!! Remember what it was like when we didn’t have our course for those long weeks at the start of this pandemic?

Thank you to all the players who have been getting their matches in as we approach Championship weekend August 22-23. Good luck to all players who make it to such a great day of competition. Come out and support your fellow members, and don’t forget to check for details on guidelines.

Congratulations to the quartet who represented Shaughnessy at this year’s BC AM-BC Mid Amateur in Kelowna.

Pat Weeks T4 Mid AM / T11 BC AM

Andy Robb T26 BC AM / 12th BC Mid AM / and a sizzling final round 67

Jay Snyder T31 BC Mid AM

Brycen Ko T13 in the Junior Boys

Well done gentlemen and thank you for representing Shaughnessy.

Small note: Round Up is around the corner. Hard work has been going on in the background, so let’s just say you better be entering your scores.

For the 10,000th time, please do your part to help Andrew Hart and his team with the course… examples below are still happening, don’t be the Debbie Downer who frustrates everyone when they see this on the course.

Play well, and remember to pay your bets before you leave the course.

Respectfully submitted,

Sean Crowther

Men’s Golf Captain


Women’s Golf Captain

Women’s Golf Captain Report

Dear members,

A special thanks to all the members who have been participating in the Tuesday Ladies Days. August promises to be another full month of diverse activities to suit a variety of interests. We are looking forward to a record level of participation. Join the fun!




The 2020 Ryder Cup will definitely offer a different twist as we adhere to COVID-19 guidelines but, thanks to Marija Kerr, we will have the opportunity to enjoy another one. Proudly display your country of origin by wearing the colours of your flag. The Golf Shop will be making the foursomes according to handicaps. All female golf members are welcome to participate.

The Club Championship qualifier is Tuesday, August 18th. One round of stroke play will determine the match play brackets. The players will then compete in single round eliminations Thursday and Friday. The final matches will be held on Sunday, August 23rd. Winners of each flight are invited to a Champions dinner & prize ceremony.

A Kate Booth House golf day is scheduled for Tuesday, September 1st to acknowledge the ongoing fundraising efforts of the members of Shaughnessy. Jane Macgregor and her team are planning a friendly golf day. Anyone interested in adding to the day by donating goods or services for draw prizes, raffle prizes, or providing sponsorship, please contact Jane Macgregor ( or 604-240-7678) to discuss options. More details to come soon.

Stay tuned for information on the closing golf event of the season and our Fall Meeting.




Tuesday, August 11th

Ryder Cup – Canada vs International


Tuesday, August 18th

Club Championship Week


Tuesday, August 25th



Tuesday, September 1st

Kate Booth Day


Tuesday, September 8th

Odd or Even Holes


Tuesday, September 15th

Closing Event “2020 Finale”


Thursday, September 17th

Fall Meeting





Low Gross: Holly Horwood
LG Runner-up: Christina Wong
Low Net: Danièle Balit
LN Runner-up: Allison Carson


Super Senior

Low Gross: Agnes Stewart
LN Runner-up: Marija Kerr
Low Net: Allison Carson



Low Gross: Beth Goehring




Just in case you are keeping track. Amazing!


Michelle Yuan – March 7th – Hole 3
Kelly Barber – May 4th – Hole 3
Tricia Graham – May 4th – Hole 17
Vivian Sung – May 27th – Hole 3
Audrey Wong – June 10th – Hole 3
Jimei Chen – June 28th – Hole 17
Renee Zhong Hua Ren – July 6th – Hole 3
Jing Chen – July 15th – Hole 3
Vivian Sung – July 23rd – Hole 3
Julia Leung – July 26th – Hole 3
Marti Oppenheimer – July 28th – Hole 3


Respectfully submitted,

Danièle Balit
Women’s Golf Captain


Director of Tennis

Tennis Report

Dear members,

Please see a list of the upcoming tennis events below. We look forward to seeing you out on the courts.


Saturday, October 3rd

Tennis Opening Day
(More details to follow in the September Green)


Friday, October 16th

Halloween Themed Mixer


Friday, November 7th

One Day Mixed Doubles
(Members Only)


Friday, November 13th

Country & Western Themed Mixer


Friday, December 4th

Christmas Themed Mixer


Friday, February 12th

Valentine’s Day Themed Mixer


You can sign up now for the above events in the Tennis Centre or contact me directly for more details.

Respectfully submitted,

Jerome Fournier

Director of Tennis


Course Superintendent

Course Report

Watering Greens in the Summer

With warm temperatures finally arriving this past month, I would like to use this as an opportunity to explain the integrated approach we take to watering our greens throughout the golf course.

There are many reasons to ensure that we are achieving our desired levels of moisture throughout the green profiles. Too much moisture can lead to disease pressure, or mechanical damage while doing regular maintenance; too little can lead to failure in the turf’s health and thinning of the putting surface. By reaching the optimal amount of moisture and eliminating swings on either side, we reach our main goal: a consistent putting surface throughout the course.

Before going further, we will need to understand the Term ‘ET’, Evapotranspiration. ET is the rate in which water is transferred from the land to the atmosphere by evaporation from the soil and by transpiration from the plant. The main factors that go into ET are temperature, relative humidity, solar radiation, and wind. With the installation of weather stations throughout the course, we are now able to record specific data to Shaughnessy.

Knowing the amount of water lost through ET on a broad level is only a portion of the process. Each green is considered as its own micro-climate, receiving different hours of sunlight at different times of the day (affecting temperature) and various levels of wind. These little changes can have dramatic impacts on the amount of ET that occurs at any given green. Irrigating from sprinklers can also have limitations, as not every green is the exact same shape and wind can affect the distance thrown from an irrigation head, causing coverage to often be inconsistent.

Each morning after the Course Team has performed its maintenance on the greens, a staff member goes out with a soil moisture probe. This records the exact level of moisture in the top portion of the green profile. In a grid format throughout the green, we record 40 individual readings, each one telling us the exact level of moisture. Low areas are then topped-up with precise hand watering, matching the moisture levels to each green.

As each green is exposed to its own micro-climate as the day progresses, we start to have variations. The maintenance gap each day allows us to gather a second set of moisture data and adjust earlier ET rates, helping to keep the greens consistent longer into the day.

Combined with aeration, micro punching, wetting agents, fertilizers, and a few other cultural practices, hand watering our greens is a key practice in improving the playing surface.

Our drone has multiple cameras which take thousands of images on each flight. These images show an example of a micro-climate in which ET varies from the benchmark. The back right ridge which is exposed to more wind has lower levels of moisture than the rest of the surface.

Respectfully submitted,

Andrew Hart
Course Superintendent

Fri, Aug 7th, 2020
6 p.m. – 9 p.m.
Patio Party with Mike Bertini
Sat, Aug 8th, 2020
9 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Saturday Men’s Tennis

1 p.m. – 1:20 p.m.
Business Women Golf

Sun, Aug 9th, 2020

No events on this day

Mon, Aug 10th, 2020

No events on this day

Tue, Aug 11th, 2020

Ryder Cup

6 p.m. – 9 p.m.

Tuesday Men’s Night Tennis

Wed, Aug 12th, 2020

9:15 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Wednesday Ladies’ Day Tennis

12 p.m. – 4:10 p.m.

Men’s Night #8

Thu, Aug 13th, 2020

8:40 a.m. – 9:40 a.m.

Senior Mixer

5 p.m. – 8 p.m.

Prime Rib Night

Fri, Aug 14th, 2020

6 p.m. – 9 p.m.

Patio Party with Andy Collins

Sat, Aug 15th, 2020

9 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Saturday Men’s Tennis

1 p.m. – 1:20 p.m.

Business Women Golf

Sun, Aug 16th, 2020

No events on this day

Mon, Aug 17th, 2020

No events on this day

Tue, Aug 18th, 2020

Women’s Club Championship

6 p.m. – 9 p.m.

Tuesday Men’s Night Tennis

Wed, Aug 19th, 2020

9:15 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Wednesday Ladies’ Day Tennis

12 p.m. – 4:10 p.m.

Men’s Night #9

Thu, Aug 20th, 2020

Women’s Club Championship

8:40 a.m. – 9:40 a.m.

Senior Mixer

5 p.m. – 8 p.m.

Prime Rib Night

Fri, Aug 21st, 2020

Women’s Club Championship
6 p.m. – 9 p.m.
Patio Party with Tom Arntzen

Sat, Aug 22nd, 2020

9 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
Saturday Men’s Tennis
1 p.m. – 1:20 p.m.
Business Women Golf

Sun, Aug 23rd, 2020

Club Championship Sunday

Mon, Aug 24th, 2020

No events on this day

Tue, Aug 25th, 2020

Ladies Day – Casual Golf
6 p.m. – 9 p.m.
Tuesday Men’s Night Tennis

Wed, Aug 26th, 2020

9:15 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
Wednesday Ladies’ Day Tennis
12 p.m. – 4:10 p.m.
Men’s Night #10

Thu, Aug 27th, 2020

8:40 a.m. – 9:40 a.m.
Senior Mixer
5 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Prime Rib Night

Fri, Aug 28th, 2020

6 p.m. – 9 p.m.
Patio Party with Jordan Burgess

Sat, Aug 29th, 2020

9 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
Saturday Men’s Tennis

Sun, Aug 30th, 2020

No events on this day

Mon, Aug 31st, 2020

No events on this day

4300 SW Marine Drive, Vancouver, BC V6N 4A6
Telephone: 604.266.6248