February 2021





  • 01President's Report
  • 02Women’s Golf Captain Report
  • 03Men’s Golf Captain Report
  • 04Golf Report
  • 05Tennis Report
  • 06Retail Report


Club President

President’s Report

Dear Shaughnessy members,

As noted in the January Green’s President’s report, the Board of Directors met on January 28th to ratify the 2021 budget for the Club. During that meeting, the Board reviewed various options to ensure the Club produced a balanced operating budget while prioritizing member access to our club’s key amenities, which have seen unprecedented demand since the pandemic began. Within this framework, and with the various unknown factors brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic (uncertainty regarding travel, unprecedented pressure on the tee, dining and event restrictions) and no clear view on when those pressures will lift, the Board approved the following dues and fee changes:

  • A 7.75% dues increase from 2020 across all categories
  • A $25 per month COVID-19 fee for all dues-paying members – effective until further notice

In your upcoming statement, you will see what appears to be double-charges – this is due to the back-dating of the above increases to January 1st, 2021. In addition, you will also notice modest fee increases across the board to optional and essential services.

You will recall back in March 2020, we mentioned that one of our guiding principles during this pandemic included the notion of remaining financially responsible to the Club and to our members. In the end, the pandemic is far from over, and we must continue to bear this in mind in order to remain financially responsible. Last year saw us commit to our members and their access to the Club by significantly restricting new members and guest privileges. We expect to follow a similar pattern in 2021, and, of course, this comes at a cost.

If there is one thing we’ve learned over the past year, it is that we can’t predict the future. Our belief is that with both the dues increase and the COVID-19 fee, we have the appropriate mechanisms in place to ensure we can adapt to this unprecedented situation.

Members of the Board, members at large and our staff all have one thing in common – we all love Shaughnessy. Everyone should be committed to the continuous improvement of the Shaughnessy Experience. Times like this should serve to remind all of us that membership at Shaughnessy is a privilege.

Respectfully submitted,

Gord Chan
Club President


Women’s Golf Captain

Women’s Golf Captain Report

Hello everyone,

It’s nice to see some of you around the Clubhouse and out playing on our beautiful course. Thank you to Andrew Hart for keeping our course in such great winter shape.

I want you to have a few dates to mark on your calendars:

Aeration – Monday, April 12th to Friday, April 16th.

Ladies’ Spring Meeting – Thursday, April 15th, 4 p.m., via Zoom.

Ladies’ Opening Day – Tuesday, April 20th, 9:30 a.m. start, nine holes, then lunch.

During the Spring Meeting, we will have open discussions and questions, with only a few presenters. Rules, handicap, and the schedule will be discussed, as well as the new competitions—(Mid-Amateur Championship and the new Intra-Club), and the all-important Women’s budget. We will not be hosting guests at our events again this year. We need as many people as possible to ‘attend’, so sign up early when the Club sends you the Zoom email invitation in late March. Merci, Thank you, Xièxiè.

I look forward to playing with all of you this summer, and, if you can, get out and play now—the course is very enjoyable.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan M Russell
2021 Women’s Golf Captain


Men’s Golf Captain

Men’s Golf Captain Report

Hello members,

I think this has to be one of the better Januarys I can remember, and I hope that everyone has had a chance to play golf on the days we’ve had bearable weather to do so.

The Golf Activities Committee has been preparing a schedule of events for 2021.

Considering COVID protocols, we will see the extent to which we can present the events as we ease into the season.

Some Highlighted Dates for 2021

Early sign up and qualifying for fourball – dates and details to follow.

Aeration – Monday, April 12th to Friday, April 16th

Men’s Opening Day – Saturday, May 1st

Men’s Night Opener – Wednesday, May 5th

Gold Cup – Saturday, May 15th & Sunday, May 16th

Club Championship Sunday – Sunday, August 15th

Round Up – Friday, September 10th & Saturday, September 11th

We saw tremendous support for all events in 2020, and we anticipate the same appetite for competition in 2021—so be sure to sign up early for all events when they are posted.

With all of the work on holes two, four, and six, along with blackberry removal around the course, be sure to give our tremendous Course and Grounds crew our thanks.

Respectfully submitted,

Sean Crowther
2021 Men’s Golf Captain


Director of Golf

Golf Report

Dear Shaughnessy members,

In the interest of fair play and transparency, we have been testing a third-party data analytics tool called Cap Patrol to monitor handicap indexes at the Club. Cap Patrol is compliant with the World Handicap System and integrates with Golf Canada and our Jonas tee sheet. This software will allow us to better reveal a player’s potential playing ability by tracking their performance in areas such as tournament scores and results, home vs away scoring, changes in their Golf Canada indexes, and other areas of a member’s play. This analytical tool enables us to use data to accurately monitor all players at the Club by taking out as much of the subjectivity as possible. Our goal is to ensure that we create a level playing field and increase participation in all our events. One of the key components of Cap Patrol is that the software can accurately track if members are posting their scores on a regular basis. If posting scores is not of interest to some members, that is completely acceptable as long as they do not see themselves participating in events at Shaughnessy. If a member does want to participate in events, our Handicap Committee would like to help ensure current and accurate handicaps.

As a reminder, we are still in our “inactive season,” where no scores are being posted. Our Handicap Committee will determine when posting will resume, and we will communicate this to the membership. Once we complete our testing and ensure that the program is ready to launch, we will send out details regarding a Cap Patrol app for members to use. There are lots of fun features in this free app for our members that will enhance and deliver exciting golf experiences!

Respectfully submitted,

Ashley Zibrik
Director of Golf


Director of Tennis

Tennis Report

Dear Shaughnessy members,

The Outdoor Tennis Courts will reopen early this year. We will power wash the courts twice—first in mid-February and then again in May—so that members can have access to the courts for several extra weeks this year. We are now aiming to re-open the Outdoor Courts on Monday, February 15th.


Tennis Club Championships


New date: Monday, June 21st – Saturday, July 3rd

Members can book a court or sign up for tournaments or mixers by calling either the Tennis Centre at 604-266-9165 or call/text the booking phone at 236-878-4320. Members only, no guests.


Weekly Leagues Are Postponed Until Further Notice

Tuesday Men’s Night

Wednesday Ladies’ Day

Saturday Morning Men’s Tennis


Lastly, a quick reminder that the ball machine will not be available during the indoor season.

Respectfully submitted,

Jerome Fournier
Director of Tennis


Retail Manager

Retail Report

Dear Shaughnessy members,

Are your golf grips costing you shots? A Golf Pride study concluded that worn grips cost golfers—on average—3.5 shots per round. Slick and worn grips lead to difficulty maintaining control of the clubface, leading to poorly struck shots, lack of confidence, and muscle tension in hands and wrists.

So how do you know when your grips need to be changed? The general rule is every six months/every 40 rounds. If your grips are starting to feel slick and are slipping on rainy or humid days, that’s also a good indication. Our Professional Staff offer custom grip fitting and installation. We carry grips from all major brands, including Winn, Golf Pride, Lamkin, and more! If you want to play your best, ask the Professional Staff what grips are best for you!

We currently have select grips on sale for $2 and $5, plus installation.

We look forward to making your shopping experience at Shaughnessy unforgettable!

Respectfully submitted,

Sheldon Slonski
Retail Manager

Sun, February 7, 2021

5:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Shaughnessy Sunday Roast

Thu, February 11, 2021

5:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Prime Rib Night

Fri, February 12, 2021

5:30 p.m.
5:45 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
7:45 p.m.
8:00 p.m.

Valentine’s Dinners

Sat, February 13, 2021

5:30 p.m.
5:45 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
7:45 p.m.
8:00 p.m.

Valentine’s Dinners

Sun, February 14, 2021

5:30 p.m.
5:45 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
7:45 p.m.
8:00 p.m.

Valentine’s Dinners
5:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Shaughnessy Sunday Roast

Thu, February 18, 2021

5:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Prime Rib Night

Sun, February 21, 2021

5:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Shaughnessy Sunday Roast

Thu, February 25, 2021

5:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Prime Rib Night

Sun, February 28, 2021

5:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Shaughnessy Sunday Roast

4300 SW Marine Drive, Vancouver, BC V6N 4A6
604.266.4141 www.shaughnessy.org