- 01Treasurer's Report
- 02Facilities Report
- 03Men’s Golf Captain Report
- 04Women's Golf Captain Report
- 05Golf Report
- 06Tennis Report
- 07Food & Beverage Report
- 08Calendar
In Memoriam,
We regret to announce the passing of,
She was a member of the Club since November 1st, 1969.
Please join us in welcoming our new members this month.
Wednesday, April 27th at 6:00 p.m.
All members are welcome! Please note that only voting members are eligible to vote.
Club Treasurer
Treasurer’s Report
On behalf of the Board of Directors, I am pleased to provide the membership with a high-level overview of the 2021 financial results for the Club, our current financial position, considerations for the 2022 operating and capital budgets, and approved dues and fees increases for the 2022 fiscal year.
Preliminary Review of 2021 Financial Performance and Current Cash Position
The Club’s financial policy is to operate on a break-even basis. I am pleased to report that we expect a preliminary operating loss of approximately $0.2 million for 2021, which is no small feat given the uncertainties we faced heading into year two of COVID. Brian Mossop and Harvey Dykes are working closely with the auditors to conclude the annual external audit, which will be scheduled for approval as usual in March.
As of December 31, 2021, we ended the year with cash of $3.9 million (2020: $5.8 million), including the Club’s Special Reserves and accessible cash from Greenacres. The long-term capital plan for the Club has been carefully reviewed by the Board and the Finance Committee over the past few budget cycles as we prioritized sustaining capital expenditures that would add to the enjoyment of the Club over the remaining term of our lease. On balance, the membership has been pleased with the significant improvements to the Club, including the excellent condition of the golf course (despite nearly 50,000 rounds (!!!) in 2021) and the locker room renovations. An additional positive note that we want everyone to be aware of is that Greenacres had a fantastic year from an operating net income standpoint. We finished the year with net income of $780,000. All of the Greenacres net income was allocated to fund 2021 capital expenditures, including the additional land purchase that was completed last summer after consultation with the Membership.
I wanted to provide additional colour on the preliminary $0.2 million loss. Despite a challenging labour market and high inflation on consumables, the Club came within $1,000 on a $6.4 million budget on the Club’s operating expenses in 2021. The main variances from the 2021 Budget which led to the operating loss are related to two main factors. As you likely remember, the Board agreed to remove the $25 monthly COVID-19 fee back in August (which had been budgeted for the full year of 2021). In addition, our Food & Beverage (F&B) business remains under significant pressure due to inflationary pressures, including higher food and labour costs. As a result of wage pressures and staff availability, we were forced to extend F&B closures, some of which have continued into 2022. The emergence of the Omicron variant and further Provincial Health Orders led to the understandable cancellation of many private functions with short notice in December, which is typically a good month of revenue for the Club.
2022 Budget, and Dues and Fees Increases
The key changes in the assumptions in the 2022 Budget versus the prior year include: an overall net reduction in members due to attrition, significant inflationary pressure on operating costs, no planned COVID fees and no Canadian Emergency Wage Subsidies (CEWS).
One key overriding factor that has been considered very carefully in the 2022 Budget has been access to the tee. This is an emotive issue to put it mildly. Though the Club expects that the lack of access to the tee will not reach the levels we saw in 2020 and the first half of 2021, the Board is committed to being conservative in its approach on this issue.
In order to limit the annual dues increase, the Board and Finance Committee have recommended three modest revenue-generating actions:
1. New Member Intake: The Board will take a similar approach to last year and offer term golf category membership to all family-related and current members adding golf (must have been at the Club for at least two years) on the current waitlist. This equates to offering term golf membership to 14 applicants on the current waitlist. In order to ensure appropriate access to the tee for our current members, each new term golf member will again be limited to a maximum of 25 rounds of golf in 2022 and in 2023, a maximum of 350 rounds per year, assuming all 14 applicants become term golf members.
2. Guest Rounds and Revenue: To allow approximately 1,600 guest rounds as part of the 2022 budget. For comparison purposes, we had 689 and 207 guest rounds in 2021 and 2020, respectively, (as compared to pre-pandemic guest levels of 2,945 and 4,091 in 2019 and 2018, respectively). Given our fluid environment, the Board has yet to commit to a specific guest golf policy for 2022 and will likely wait until the spring in order to make a decision based on then-current lottery variances and rounds played. In our most recent member survey, there was support related to the member benefit of bringing guests back to the course.
3. Food and Beverage Considerations: The Board will be increasing the quarterly minimum food spend to $250 from $180 (takeout permitted until further notice) and the semi-annual gratuity charge from $150 to $200. Our food and beverage operations have been the most affected by pandemic forces, such as gathering and dining restrictions, inflation, and labour market imbalances. Our hope is that the broader membership will commit to better support our food and beverage operations while we continue to maintain competitive pricing and high-quality service and offerings.
Accordingly, the Finance Committee recommended, and the Board approved a break-even operating budget, which will result in a monthly dues increase of 12.5% retroactive to the beginning of our Fiscal Year, January 1st, 2022. Please note that in your upcoming statement, you will see what appears to be double-charges for the increase – this is due to the back-dating of the above increases to January 1st, 2022. For a complete list of all ancillary fees for 2022, please click here.
Dues and Mandatory Fees – Club Comparison
We have had a long-standing practice of confidentially sharing financial information with other clubs to allow for better short and long-term planning as well as a sanity check on our monthly fees. We have included a fee comparison for the most comparable Clubs in the Lower Mainland to provide an additional data point. I would also highlight, unlike the other clubs, we have a significant annual rent component to our operating costs.
Please see the chart below for Monthly Full Play Golf Member Dues and Mandatory Fees at comparable clubs (Marine Drive, Point Grey, and Capilano – in no particular order). Please note that these amounts include dues, assessments, locker fees, driving range, club storage, and gratuities.
2022 Capital Budget Overview
As part of the Club’s mission to ensure the highest quality programs, services, and facilities with careful consideration for alignment with a potential 2032 end date, we expect to spend over $2.3 million in capital expenditures in 2022. These expenditures will be funded from recent operating surpluses from Greenacres, entrance fees and our cash reserves. Key capital expenditures in 2022 include course maintenance equipment, kitchen upgrades, on-course irrigation, replacement of the outdoor tennis washroom facilities, re-surfacing of the outdoor tennis courts, clubhouse carpets, indoor tennis roof repairs, older sections of the cart paths, on-course brickwork, front entrance gate, and mat replacement on the driving range. When considering both the Shaughnessy Operating and Capital Budgets, along with entrance fees and Greenacres contributions, the Club expects to have a 2022 year-end cash balance of $3.1 million.
I would like to close by thanking our management team and staff for steering us through this tumultuous period. I know we have all enjoyed and appreciated the Shaughnessy experience more than ever over the past two years.
Here’s to a great year on the course and courts—and perhaps a return to normalcy.
Respectfully submitted,
Tom Whelan
Club Treasurer
Director of Finance & Facilities
Facilities Report
Dear Shaughnessy members,
The Clubhouse Maintenance team had a very busy January closure period with many projects taken on beyond the normal Christmas decoration dismantle and storage, cleaning, touch-up painting, and plumbing and electrical repairs around the Club. Some of the key projects in and around the Clubhouse that were recently completed during the January maintenance shutdown include:
Kitchen Renovation
During the first phase, demolition was largely handled by maintenance staff while installation of the stainless-steel custom fits was overseen by Executive Chef James Choi. Unfortunately, we continue to experience shipping delays due to supply chain challenges and it is expected that the remaining equipment and fittings will be installed during phase two which is currently planned for April’s aeration week (April 18-22). This will likely cause dining closures during that week – please expect additional communication on this as we get closer to April.
Table and Chair Refurbishing
Tables, chairs and benches from various dining areas of the Club were sent for revitalization during the shutdown. There was an additional focus on the Sequoia Room as Kerry and his team are expecting to reopen Sequoia for dining sometime in February.
Carpet Replacement
Several areas, including the carpet on the stairs to the Cypress Room and the carpet leading into Sequoia, were replaced. We currently have additional carpet on order which will be used to complete the replacement of all carpet on the lower level of the Clubhouse including the locker rooms.
Administration Office Alteration
Over the years the team has digitized many paper files, which allowed us to reconfigure walls and our office setup to gain additional office space.
First Aid and A.E.D. Use
This would be a good time to remind all members that the Club has many first-aid locations, and you will find a list of sources available and locations below. A third-party company replenishes supplies and tests equipment on a regular basis.
In the event that someone should unfortunately sustain a personal injury, please notify a staff member and, if required, they can find a First-Aid Attendant on shift immediately. The first-aid stations, including A.E.D.’s, are also available for members to use, as time can be of utmost importance in some situations. An A.E.D. is quite simple to operate and the ones we have on-site “talk” you through the steps. If you’d like to watch a short video on how these machines work, please click here.
Locations of first aid sources:
A.E.D. (Automatic External Defibrillator) and Oxygen
- Coat Room (between upstairs restrooms)
- Lower Hallway (bottom of the stairs leading to the Cypress Room bar)
- Golf Shop
- Tennis Centre, by the TV and bar area
- Course and Grounds Main Building
- Lower Hallway (bottom of the stairs leading to the Cypress Room bar)
- Golf Shop
General First Aid Kits
- Main Clubhouse
- Coat Room (between upstairs restrooms)
- Lower Hallway (bottom of the stairs leading to the Cypress Room bar)
- Fitness Centre
- Ladies’ Locker Room
- Men’s Locker Room
- Kitchen
- Administration Office
- Golf
- Golf Shop
- Golf Academy
- Halfway House
- Tennis
- Tennis Centre
- Outdoor Tennis Washrooms
- Course and Grounds
- Main Building
- Course and Grounds Office
- Maintenance Shed
- Physician’s Medical Bag (for physician’s use only)
- Lower Hallway (bottom of the stairs leading to the Cypress Room bar)
Respectfully submitted,
Harvey Dykes
Director of Finance and Facilities
Men’s Golf Captain
Men’s Golf Captain Report
Hello members,
As the days get a bit longer, it is getting easier to start thinking about the start of the golf season coming just around the corner. With that pleasant thought in mind, I am pleased to note that the Golf Activities Committee has finalized our schedule of events for 2022 as highlighted below, kicking off with the return of the Cold Duck.
Some highlights include having our Member-Guest events back on the schedule, which should be a treat for the membership to show our guests all the fantastic work that has been done in and around the club and course over the last few years – please keep your guests moving as they take in the views on the back 9. Additionally, we are looking forward to having an expanded Masters Par 3 tournament, which was done so well last year. If you didn’t get a chance to play, I highly recommend coming out to this great mixed event.
Some Highlighted Dates for 2022
Mixed Championship and Men’s Fourball Qualifying between Saturday, April 30th – Friday, May 13th
Cold Duck – Friday, April 1st
Masters Par 3 Tournament – Wednesday, April 6th
Aeration – Monday, April 18th—Friday, April 22nd
Men’s Night Opener – Wednesday, May 4th
Men’s Opening Day – Saturday, May 14th
Gold Cup – Saturday, June 4th & Sunday, June 5th
Men’s Member Guest – Friday, July 8th
Club Championship Sunday – Sunday, August 21st
Round Up – Friday, September 9th & Saturday, September 10th
We saw tremendous support for all events last year and we anticipate the same appetite for competition in 2022—so be sure to sign up early for all events when they are posted.
Respectfully submitted,
Fraser McKeen
Men’s Golf Captain
Women’s Golf Captain
Women’s Golf Captain Report
Dear members,
It’s hard to believe that we are only 60 days away from our first (mixed) event of the 2022 season! And it’s even more difficult to believe that we could come through a January that saw record bad weather with a golf course that looks as good as ours does. A huge thanks to the Course & Grounds team for an over-and-above effort during this time.
Behind the scenes at Shaughnessy, work has been proceeding on calendars, food and beverage planning, and event formats for the season. Michelle and Ashley have put in a great deal of work to prepare the playbook for the year in a digital format, so that when we kick off the season, we will have details of the events organized for the entire year.
Early season events to be sure to mark on your calendars:
Wednesday, April 6th: Masters Par 3 Event. This is a mixed event the week of the Masters and it is tremendous fun. Registration usually fills up early. Watch for it!
Monday, April 18th-Friday, April 22nd: Course is closed for aeration.
Wednesday, April 20th: Mixed Rules Clinic. Our rules expert, Chinami Hancock will work with members to role-play situations on the course. And did we mention? There will be wine and hors d’oeuvres! Susan Russell has kindly volunteered to organize the event.
Thursday, April 21st: The Spring Meeting. This is an opportunity for open discussions and questions. We are very hopeful that we will be able to have the first in-person Spring Meeting in two years. The meeting will be followed by cocktail hour.
Tuesday, April 26th: Ladies’ Opening Day. This is one of our premier events of the season. The professional staff are busy planning a surprise format. You won’t want to miss this one!
One of the new Tuesday formats early in the season will be a four-club challenge. It’s not too early to start thinking about which four clubs you will select to play with on that day.
Watch for an email coming this week that will provide important information about an Interclub Team Trunk Show to be held in the Garden Lounge from 4:00-6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 22nd.
Lastly, the Women’s Executive would like to wish a Happy Lunar New Year to our members celebrating this festival.
For all of us in this year of the Tiger, be strong but be kind!
Respectfully submitted,
Carolyn Naylor
2022 Women’s Golf Captain
Director of Golf
Golf Report
With a number of our golfing events right around the corner, there is an abundance of excitement in and around the Golf Shop.
Late last month, our Lead Teaching Professional Tim Wilson was named the 2021 George Knudson PGA of Canada Teacher of the Year. This is an outstanding achievement, and we are very proud to have him as part of our Shaughnessy Golf Shop Team. Tim had a special message to share:
I am humbled and so very proud of this award! Having my name next to the great George Knudson is incredible on its own. But winning an award for something I truly love doing doesn’t seem fair?! But I’ll take it!!! Huge love and thanks to my family, friends, pros, Shaughnessy, members, students and all those that helped this thing happen! This is for us all.
Respectfully submitted,
Ashley Zibrik
Director of Golf
Director of Tennis
Tennis Report
2022 Al Dickey Memorial Mixed Doubles Tournament
The 2022 Al Dickey Memorial Mixed Doubles Tournament has been postponed. We will announce a new date in a few weeks.
Tennis Pro Shop
Clearance sale: 40% off select items in the Tennis Pro Shop for a limited time.
New Nike merchandise has arrived!
Quick Reminders
- The ball machine is now available. Members can book it the day of.
- Members may bring guests again to play tennis during non-prime hours (weekdays before 6:00 p.m., weekends after 1:00 p.m.)
- Members can book the Indoor Courts for singles and doubles play. The available booking times are between 6:45 a.m. and 8:30 p.m. on weekdays and 6:45 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on weekends. You can book a court by calling the Tennis Centre at 604.266.9165 or by calling/texting the booking phone at 236.878.4320.
- Members are encouraged to stop playing a few minutes prior to the end of their booking time, allowing you to pack up and maintain proper distancing from the group of members arriving at the court next.
- The Outdoor Tennis Courts resurfacing will begin on Monday, May 23rd and take approximately 10 days to complete. .
2022 Tennis Club Championships
- The 2022 Tennis Club Championships have been postponed to May 9th – 21st. They will be held indoors.
Weekly Leagues
- Tuesday Men’s Night Tennis – 6:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.
- Wednesday Morning Masters Tennis – 9:15 a.m.
Please sign up at the Tennis Centre or call 604.266.9165.
Respectfully submitted,
Jerome Fournier
Director of Tennis
Director of Food & Beverage
Food & Beverage Report
This past holiday season provided the opportunity to gather with our family, friends, and fellow members. A special thank you to Mrs. Lynette Cooper and her elves for all the hard work making our Clubhouse festive and welcoming.
Our Santa Party Brunches and Dinners were sold out, save for a few cancellations which were understandable given the circumstances. Plenty of entertainment was offered, including a magic show, balloon twisting, and Santa himself handing out presents tucked under the Christmas tree. Although Santa could not visit each table, the Clubhouse Foyer became a special family photo opportunity with Santa.
A big thank you to our Food & Beverage team, who put in countless hours to ensure our cuisine and hospitality shined bright.
2022 is off to a great start in the Food & Beverage department. We were nearly sold out for our first Sunday Baby Back Pork Ribs Night. Our Valentine’s reservations are filling up for both Saturday, February 12th and Sunday, February 13th. To make a reservation for our Valentine’s Dinners, please click here. Reservations close on February 8th at 11:59 p.m.
Rebecca Rilling, Assistant Food & Beverage Manager, is currently crafting a new wine list as we start the new year, and we’ll be kicking it off with an upcoming wine sale of bin ends. Keep an eye out for the announcement in the weekly eNews and around the Clubhouse.
With the prospect of COVID-19 restrictions easing off, our Club Event Manager, Piril Erbakan, is ready for a return to normalcy with events at the Club. Please reach out to her for any event inquiries at
As we enter the 2022 season, our Food & Beverage Department aspires to continue to improve our service, hospitality and offerings as we work to provide unique and memorable experiences for our members.
Respectfully submitted,
Kerry Enzie
Director of Food & Beverage
Mon, Feb 7, 2022
Dining Areas Closed
Tue, Feb 8, 2022
Wed, Feb 9, 2022
Thu, Feb 10, 2022
Sat, Feb 12, 2022
Mon, Feb 14, 2022
Dining Areas Closed
Tue, Feb 15, 2022
Wed, Feb 16, 2022
Thu, Feb 17, 2022
Sun, Feb 20, 2022
Mon, Feb 21, 2022
Dining Areas Closed
Tue, Feb 22, 2022
Wed, Feb 23, 2022
Thu, Feb 24, 2022
Sun, Feb 27, 2022
4300 SW Marine Drive, Vancouver, BC V6N 4A6