
  • 01Member Notices
  • 02Treasurer's Report
  • 03Membership Report
  • 04Men's Golf Captain Report
  • 05Women's Golf Captain Report
  • 06Golf Report
  • 07Tennis Report
  • 08Calendar


In Memoriam

Mrs. Tove Currie

Mrs. Currie passed away on Tuesday, January 9th, 2024.

Please welcome Shaughnessy’s new members this month.

Fulin Kang

Term Golf

Ian Sutcliffe

Term Golf

Chunyan Yu

Term Associate Golf

Hannelie Stockenstrom

Term Tennis

Valentine’s Day Dinner

Wednesday, February 14th

Bring in the romance and join us!

Make your reservation now by clicking here.

Registration closes on Monday, February 12th at 12:00 p.m.

Frost Delay Policy

In the event of a frost delay, members will be notified via the Daily Lineup email (emailed to all members on the tee sheet). The Course Superintendent Andrew Hart will communicate the time that the Golf Course will reopen. Once the course reopens, priority on the tee will go to the group that has the next tee time booked. All golfers booked in earlier tee times will need to re-book a later tee time and will not have priority once the course reopens for play.

Making a Reservation

 Members can make dining reservations up to 30 days in advance through the Club’s private OpenTable portal. The portal can be easily accessed through the Club’s website and mobile app, or by clicking here.

Please click here for detailed instructions on how to make a reservation. Please note that you are still able to make dining reservations by phone. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Host Stand at 604.264.5249.

2024 Annual General Meeting

Thursday, April 25th at 6:00 PM

Hybrid format (in-person and virtual)

All members are welcome! Please note that only voting members are eligible to vote.


Club Vice-President and Treasurer

Treasurer’s Report

Dear Shaughnessy members, 

On behalf of the Board of Directors, I am pleased to be able to provide the membership with an overview of the 2023 financial results for the Club, our current financial position, considerations for the 2024 operating and capital budgets, and approved dues and fees increases for the 2024 fiscal year.  

Review of the 2023 Operating and Financial Performance & Current Cash Position  

2023 was a fantastic year for the Club.  I hope that each of you were able to enjoy the Shaughnessy Experience as defined at the Board-level as “The continued excellence in all areas of the Club”. The great weather, combined with a complete return to normal for golf (on our superbly-conditioned golf course), tennis and social events, allowed us to put our best foot forward to meet the desires of our over 1,600 members who want and demand the “Shaughnessy Experience.”  Stand-out club events during the year included the Canada Day Pancake Breakfast, the Family Fun Day, the Summer Party, and, of course, Championship Sunday.  An absolute highlight of the year for the Club was hosting the CPKC Women’s Open.  From the rave reviews (LPGA Tournament of the Year), the charitable contributions, the Musqueam engagement/participation, and the sense of community we created with our members showcasing our course and club, the event was a tremendous success.  The Club was able to generate a modest profit of $345k from the tournament, which was allocated to help fund our capital expenditures in 2023. 

We continue to have a busy tee sheet, finishing the year with just under 40,000 rounds played (vs 41,000 in 2022 vs 49,000 (!!) in 2021).  Maintaining the balance between access to the tee versus having sufficient dues-paying members remains a top challenge for the Club as the 2032 lease expiry approaches.  The lottery system has allowed members to be able to book tee times in advance at desired times (generally).  I think we all noticed a few more open tee times than in previous years, especially between May and August.  We had just over 2,200 guest rounds (2,100 in 2022) which helped generate approximately $0.5 million in guest fees. 

The Club’s current financial policy is to operate on a break-even basis, where our costs to operate the Club are intended to be covered by member dues and other ancillary revenues (e.g. Green Fees) and capital costs are expected to be covered by entrance dues and operating surpluses from Greenacres.  The current estimate of the year-end results is an operating budget deficit of $93k for 2023.  Our net revenues of $7.5 million were exactly on budget as the $120k negative variances from Food & Beverage were offset by $31k higher than expected dues from lower than planned net attrition of members, $33k better than planned net revenues from the Golf Shop and $46k higher Green Fees.  Our expenses including course, administration, and property (lease and taxes) costs of $7.4 million despite continuing wage pressures.  

Greenacres saw a 7% increase in rounds played (45,000 vs 42,000 in prior year) proving golf mania is alive and well in the Lower Mainland when the sun is shining.  The operation remained profitable leading to an operating surplus (revenues > expenses) of $483k (2022 – $310k, 2021 – $780k).  All excess cash flow from Greenacres was allocated to fund Shaughnessy’s capital expenditures.  

Another significant cash influx of $1.4 million from new and deferred entrance fees was also allocated to fund Shaughnessy’s capital expenditures. 

Our 2023 capital spending of $1.7 million was essentially on budget. The two key areas of focus of our capital spending in 2023 were $0.4 million related to Clubhouse infrastructure and $1.1 million related to the Golf Course.  In the continued spirit of front end loading any remaining significant capital spending to ensure we maximize the benefit during our remaining lease term, the Clubhouse spending included much needed replacements of the carpets, certain furniture, kitchen upgrades, as well as the new entrance signage.  The key areas of course-related spending included equipment (some of which had been planned to arrive in 2021 and 2022), irrigation and power carts (Greenacres).  

A continuing key operating and financial challenge facing all private clubs post-COVID is the cost to support the Food & Beverage (F&B) amenity.  Labour market shortages in hospitality, and increased food costs have certainly led to an increase in our overall cost of running the department. The Board reconfirmed its prior year decision that we should continue to maintain current standards and service levels to meet member expectations while continuing to look to improve efficiencies and reduce costs.   One example of how we have reduced costs is to continue to be closed for F&B on Monday evenings during the non-peak months. Otherwise, the F&B experience at Shaughnessy for day-to-day dining and for member events remains consistent with our stated goal of maintaining the Shaughnessy Experience.  We objectively believe we provide better quality, value and experience in comparison to other local clubs, while maintaining similar cost impact to the budget for this amenity.   

As of December 31, 2023, we ended the year with cash of $3.5 million (2022: $3.2 million) including the Club’s Operating Cash and Reserves, Special Reserves, and accessible cash from Greenacres.  The management team are working closely with the auditors to conclude the annual external audit, which will be scheduled for approval as usual in March. 

2024 Budget, and Dues and Fees Increases 

The 2024 Budget process has been through several reviews by the Finance Committee and the Board.  I would like to thank each of the members of the Finance Committee for their time and effort in this robust annual process.  We challenged each of the key assumptions in the Budget, all while trying to balance “access to the tee” concerns with the economic challenge of the potential end of our lease on December 31, 2032. 

We are expecting our operating costs to increase by over 8% from 2023 due to continued inflationary pressures in all departments (e.g. labour, materials and supplies) as well as increased insurance and benefits costs.  In addition, we expect to continue to see attrition of dues-paying members and a net migration to lower dues-paying categories of membership (another 1%), leaving less of us to cover an increasing base level of costs. 

In order to limit the annual dues increase, the Board and Finance Committee have recommended two important revenue-generating actions: 

  1. With respect to new term golf and/or tennis members, the Board is recommending a small intake  at the same initiation fee as last year. We are budgeting an intake of 25 new term golf category members and 15 term tennis members which will help offset the expected attrition of 42 golf members and the historical number of members reducing their dues-paying category as they age.  As mentioned, access to the tee remains a key concern for many members. As an additional measure to help control access to the tee, each new term golf member will once again be limited to a maximum of 25 rounds of golf for the first two years of their membership. This measure will restrict the tee sheet impact to a maximum of 625 rounds for the 25 new term golf members, for each of their first two years. 
  2. To once again allow approximately 2,000 guest rounds as part of the 2024 budget at a slightly higher rate to generate an additional 18% in green fees.  While admittedly the guest fee remains high, the Board elected to keep this high guest rate to avoid an even higher dues increase. 

The Finance Committee recommended and the Board has approved a breakeven budget for 2024.  In order to balance the books, with the above revenue and cost assumptions, we will require a monthly dues and blended fees increase of ~9.75% at the beginning of our Fiscal Year beginning January 1, 2024.  We would add a couple of important data points: 

  1.  This annual increase will not be the smallest across our peer clubs but please recall that for 2022 and 2023, we had the lowest increase across our peer clubs in the Lower Mainland. 
  2. Our overall annual dues remain competitive with our peers despite our unique circumstances (i.e. an annual rent payment of nearly $1 million). 

Please note that in your upcoming statement, you will see what appears to be double-charges for the increase – this is due to the back-dating of the above increases to January 1. For a complete list of all ancillary fees for 2024, please click here. 

Dues and Mandatory Fees – Club Comparison 

Though we hold ourselves to our own standards and expectations, we have had a long-standing practice of confidentially sharing high-level financial information with other clubs as a sanity check on our monthly dues and fees. We have included a fee comparison for the most comparable golf and country clubs in the Lower Mainland to provide an additional data point. We would also highlight: unlike the other Clubs, we have a significant annual rent component to our operating costs. 

Please see the chart below for Monthly Full-Play Golf Member Dues and Mandatory Fees at comparable clubs. Please note that these amounts include dues and mandatory fees such as assessments, locker fees, driving range, club storage, and gratuities. 

2024 Capital Budget Overview

Management has prepared a long-term capital plan to 2032. As mentioned above, this capital plan has been front-end-loaded to ensure we receive the full benefit of the capital expenditures and is composed of mostly sustaining capital of $5.85 million to the end of 2032.  We expect to spend over $1.1 million in capital expenditures in 2024 as the final year end of our front-end loading on sustaining capital concludes. Key areas of focus remain the Golf Course ($600k), the Clubhouse including certain overdue depreciating Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment ($400k), and other miscellaneous items (<$100k).  These capital expenditures will be funded from Greenacres operating surpluses and entrance fees from the new membership intake in 2024.


A few final comments:

We continue to face an incredible challenge managing our Club given the uncertainty of the long-term future of the Club.  The Board and management team continue to explore all alternatives towards a continuation of the Club beyond 2032.  We use a long-term financial model which uses a number of key variables including member attrition and the number of rounds played to help with our long-term financial planning, especially around liquidity.  We are endeavoring to ensure that we maintain the maximum financial flexibility to pursue all alternatives for as long as we can.

The 2024 dues increase remains in line with trends we are seeing across the industry and it was interesting to see that our monthly fees remain in line with our peers.  We remain committed to maintaining the “Shaughnessy Experience” until the “last ball is hit” (which will hopefully be well beyond 2032).  We believe the 2024 budget provides a fair balance by increasing membership to address attrition and sourcing revenue from additional areas such as guest fees while aiming to maintain our long-term financial flexibility.

Here is to another great year on the course and courts.

Respectfully submitted,

Tom Whelan
Vice President and Club Treasurer


Director of Membership

Membership Report

Dear Shaughnessy members,

We are looking forward to another exciting year ahead in welcoming new members to Shaughnessy.

I want to express my gratitude to our Shaughnessy members who have encouraged their friends, family members and colleagues to join the Club over the past few years. Your ongoing support is vital to the growth and sustainability of the Club.

We are still actively welcoming new members and this year, as Mr. Tom Whelan mentioned in his report, the Board has set a target of accepting 25 new term golf-category (29 total in 2023) and 15 term tennis members (20 total in 2023) to the Club. Should you know of any individuals interested in joining the Club, I am always available to connect with them and happy to meet with them in person.

During recent years, the membership application process has been enhanced to ensure the quality of candidates remains up to standards. We have been requesting candidates to submit cover letters and their resumes for the purpose of better understanding their potential fit with the Club. Further to that, each candidate also requires three Shaughnessy members to sponsor them to be members of the Club.

As many of you are already aware, when access to the tee was at its most challenging point during the pandemic, the Club instituted a policy allowing all new Term Golf and Term Associate Golf members a maximum of 25 rounds per year for the first two years of their membership. The policy has proved to be quite effective with recent data showing our annual rounds played continue to trend towards pre-pandemic levels.

You will probably notice me out on the course a bit more this year as when onboarding new golf members, I will be reaching out to them to play a round of golf. This will help them get better acquainted with Shaughnessy and give them an opportunity to ask questions, go over our policies and course etiquette, and learn how to get more involved with the Club.

I encourage all of you to introduce yourself and welcome new members when the opportunity arises.

Respectfully submitted,

Vaughn Marshall
Director of Membership


2024 Men’s Golf Captain

Men’s Golf Captain Report

Hello fellow members,

I hope everyone is enjoying the lack of snow on the ground as much as I am. January left us with some questionable weather which certainly kept us all off of the golf course but gave it some much-needed rest. Thank you to Andrew and his crew for taking such immaculate care of the course under those conditions.

Even though we have had some nice stretches of weather, we did experience a large amount of water with both snow and rain, so just as a reminder to those who are playing:

  • Not using temporary greens: If a hole has a temporary green, please do not hit your shot to the actual green. It is not only the damage of the ball mark but the act of walking to the ball that will hurt the greens for the upcoming season.
  • Repairing your ball marks and divots: A kind reminder to keep replacing divots, repairing ball marks on greens, and raking traps where applicable – this will ensure that we have a great course come spring and summer.

A huge thank you to Ashley Zibrik and her team for getting the 2024 Men’s Golf Season Overview out so early this year.   You should have already received the calendar in your email but if you haven’t, please click here to view. A few things to note:

  • Based on feedback from last season, we have moved the qualifier for the Senior/Super Senior/Legends from a Thursday to a Saturday. The event will take place on May 25th and the results will seed players into season-long match play brackets.
  • Gold Cup will be held Saturday, June 1st and Sunday, June 2nd, and will be played from a blue/black combo tee. The draw for day one will be organized by handicap (low to high) and the draw for day two will be organized by score (high to low.) This tournament will determine the season-long match play brackets.
  • As a reminder, all players may compete in a maximum of three brackets for the season to avoid conflicts on Championship Weekend.
  • Our marquee member event this year will be “The Talon” which is a 27-hole team event where pairs will compete in three 9-hole matches.

Our first event this year is our annual Super Bowl party on February 11th. The event will start with a 9-hole skins game ($10 entry fee) with a Watch Party to follow in the 19th lounge with food and drinks specials. Please click here if you would like to sign up and join us for a fun afternoon. Registration for our upcoming events is now open, click the respective link below to sign up:

Cold Duck
Masters Par 3 Tournament
Rules Seminar
Men’s Opening Day

I look forward to continuing to see those of you that I know and, of course, to meeting any of the members that I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting yet.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me for any golf-related matters.


Ron Emerson Jr.
2024 Men’s Golf Captain


2024 Women’s Golf Captain

Women’s Golf Captain Report

Dear Shaughnessy members,

It’s truly astonishing that Cheryl Lee, Cheryl E. Lee, and Sheryl Lee had the opportunity to play a round together on January 3rd, 2024, making a remarkable day of golf before Vancouver’s winter weather set in.

Despite the challenges posed by snow and rain, preventing us from playing the course, the voluntary work at the Club is ongoing in collaboration with the Club staff. We extend our sincere appreciation to the dedicated teams who have been instrumental in preparing for the upcoming season.

Special thanks to Lynette and her team for their efforts in both setting up and taking down the holiday decorations. Vice-captain Kathy and I have worked closely with Ashley and her team on the Event Calendar and Budget. Piril has been actively involved in aligning the schedule and F&B offerings with the Women’s event schedule. Fatima has invested her time and effort into crafting WGC posters and organizing the first WGC meeting. Last but certainly not least, a sincere appreciation goes out to all WGC members who consistently contribute to the success of our Club.

Last week, you should have received the 2024 Women’s Golf and Business Women Calendars in your inbox but if you happened to have missed it, please click the links below to view.

2024 Women’s Golf Calendar
2024 Business Women Calendar

The WGC had their first meeting on Thursday, January 11th, and the minutes of the meeting are now available for viewing in the ladies’ locker room.

Looking ahead to the upcoming season, we sincerely hope that you will find the events planned for 2024 inviting to golfers of all categories and we encourage you to participate in as many as you can. Registration for the upcoming events is open. Please register through the following links:

Masters Par 3 Tournament
Rules Seminar
Ladies’ Opening Day

The Spring Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 11th. We encourage you to mark this date on your calendar as soon as you read this message.

Preparations for the Spring Meeting are well underway, with our primary goal being to attract more ladies to participate in all ladies’ events. Transparency and active involvement will be at the core of this meeting. In addition to presenting our plans to our members along with a Q&A, we are also working closely with Piril to ensure a delightful spread of appetizers and beverages will be provided following the meeting.

Please expect a reminder for the Spring Meeting in upcoming updates. Your attendance and valuable input will play a crucial role in shaping a successful season for all of us.

Looking forward to a fun season ahead!

Respectfully submitted,

Michelle Yuan
2024 Women’s Golf Captain


Director of Golf

Golf Report

Dear Shaughnessy Members,

After publishing our Men’s and Women’s golf event calendars last week, it is exciting to see registrations already coming in! Our Professional staff would love to see our golf events sell out this year, so check your calendars and sign up soon to secure your spot. One event to highlight early on our calendar is our 4th Annual Masters Par 3 tournament scheduled all day on Wednesday, April 10th which is open to all membership categories.

With many rain days in January, our golf shop and back shop teams were able to complete many winter projects. One of those projects included cleaning every member bag storage stall in the cart barn. A friendly reminder to members that we are unable to store loose items in your bag storage stall and only one golf bag is permitted per stall space. Loose items such as extra golf clubs and umbrellas can result in lost or damaged items and are a safety hazard for staff. We really appreciate your understanding in this matter!

February is a big delivery month in the golf shop and each day we receive new boxes which is the best time of the year for a golfer. Deliveries include the latest equipment, new golf bags, and golf balls as well as apparel. Our first Fit Day is on Saturday, February 10th with TaylorMade with more advertised for later this month. Appointments are filling up fast but not to worry as you are always welcome to reach out to our Professional staff to set up a time to test some new equipment.

A chase for clubhead speed and ball speed is currently a hot topic with the golf shop team. If you are looking for a quick drill during your winter practice sessions, I would suggest swinging as hard as you can in the last 10 minutes of your practice. See how it feels and keep doing it. It might be worth a try to help you add distance this season!

Respectfully submitted,

Ashley Zibrik
Director of Golf


Director of Tennis

Tennis Report

Dear Shaughnessy members,

2024 Al Dickey Memorial Mixed Doubles Tournament

Congratulations to the winners of the Al Dickey Memorial Event: Carol Lau and Fumi Watanabe, and finalists Kyoka Takahashi and David Wong

Current Tennis Guest Policy

Effective October 1st until March 1st, members may only bring guests to play tennis during non-prime time hours (weekdays before 6:00 PM, weekends after 1:00 PM)

Tennis Pro Shop

  • FINAL CLEAR-OUT SHOES SALE: All shoes are 30% off in the Tennis Pro Shop.
  • Cases of Australian Open tennis balls are only $136.56

2024 Tennis Club Championships

Quick Reminders

  • The current ladders are running from January 1st until March 31st. Please contact Director of Tennis Jerome Fournier if you would like to join the next session beginning April 1st.
  • Members can book the Indoor courts for singles and doubles play. The available booking times are between 6:45 AM and 8:30 PM on weekdays and 6:45 AM and 6:00 PM on weekends. You can book a court by calling the Tennis Centre at 604.266.9165 or by calling/texting the booking phone at 236.878.4320.
  • The ball machine can be booked for use on the day of.
  • Tuesday Men’s Night Tennis – 6:00 PM and 7:30 PM. Sign up weekly.
  • Ladies Dogwood League Fridays 11:00-1:00 pm competing against various clubs.

    Respectfully submitted,

    Jerome Fournier
    Director of Tennis

    4300 SW Marine Drive, Vancouver, BC V6N 4A6
    604.266.4141 www.shaughnessy.org