July 2021





  • 01GM Report
  • 02Men’s Golf Captain Report
  • 03Women’s Golf Captain Report
  • 04Golf Report
  • 05Tennis Report
  • 06Club Events Report
  • 07Calendar


Please join us in welcoming our new members this month.

Schurman, Pamela

Term Tennis


Del Pellaro, Jane

Term Tennis



General Manager and Chief Operating Officer

GM Report

Dear Shaughnessy members,

We are now halfway through the year, and with recent changes to the Provincial Health Order, it seems we are now seeing the light at the end of the tunnel with respect to the pandemic and getting back to some of the things we love to do.

Likely the most significant change coming from the most recent Provincial Health Order that affects our members relates to mask usage. To clarify, though masks are no longer mandatory for members in the Clubhouse and other indoor settings, we still recommend their usage for any members that are 12 and older that have not yet been fully vaccinated. From a staff perspective, masks remain mandatory for all staff in indoor and patio settings. As always, we will continue to monitor orders from the provincial health officer and update the membership should any changes to our protocols be made.

This past weekend marked our first indoor club event with a seated dinner in the Cypress Room that followed the Tennis Club Championships. Congratulations to all the participants and winners, including Ms. Sharon Sauder for taking home her first Women’s Tennis Club Championship and to Mr. Derek Lau for repeating on the Men’s side. A special thank you to the Tennis Committee, Jerome and his staff for navigating through the heat wave and other elements to make the first summer edition of the Club Championships a successful one. Please be sure to read Jerome’s report below for more results from the Championships.

In case you missed it earlier this week, the Club is currently faced with a decision regarding the opportunity to exercise a Right of First Refusal on a property adjacent to our Richmond lands. For more detailed information, please click here.

Finally, please expect a President’s message from Mr. Gord Chan later this month that will provide a mid-year update to the membership.

Respectfully submitted,

Brian Mossop
General Manager and Chief Operating Officer


Men’s Golf Captain

Men’s Golf Captain Report

Hello fellow members,

We come off of record-setting temperatures in June, heading towards the mid-summer, and the rounds keep piling up. Remember to reapply sunscreen and keep hydrated.

June saw the delayed Men’s Opening Day being played on a sunny Saturday; the course was spectacular, the shopping experience off the 18th green was unequaled, and just an amazing seafood feast by chef and his team—sablefish with a lobster tail, you must be kidding me!!

Special thanks to hole-in-one sponsors Bill Semrau, Lawrence Federal and Azeem Ahamed; maybe next year someone will win the prizes.

Thank you to Ashley Zibrik and the pros headed by Zach Belitsky and his hard work coordinating MOD.

Here are a few highlights for July and August:

  • Captains’ Classic – July 23rd – click here to register
  • The Legends – August 5th – click here to register
  • Past Presidents – August 12th
  • Club Championship Sunday – August 15th
  • Past Captains – August 26th

Be sure to check the dates of your matches; good luck to everyone.

Now I haven’t had to do this for some time as I feel our membership has really taken pride in taking care of our course, but please help Andrew Hart and his team by repairing your ball marks on the greens each day.

Special shout-out to Dr. Bristol for saving yet another stranded pull cart left all alone on the 6th tee box.

You may have someone at home pick up after you, but at SHAG make sure you return your push cart to the Back Shop.

Thank you in advance.

Respectfully submitted,

Sean Crowther
2021 Men’s Golf Captain


Women’s Golf Captain

Women’s Golf Captain Report

Hello everyone,

Congratulations to all the members who recently played in qualifiers for the US Women’s Amateur Golf Championship: Victoria Liu, Angela Zhang, Michelle Liu, and Tiffany Kong. Victoria and Michelle were successful, Tiffany is an alternate. Well done, we are so proud of you and we send our best wishes to you. Click here for full results.

Going along through June, what a month of sunshine we had.

Of course, we’ve enjoyed such superb course conditions for all our tournaments so far, we might forget who gets us there.

Thank you so much Andrew Hart and the Course and Grounds Team for keeping it spectacular under such trying weather conditions. I hope that’s the last of it for you to deal with.

Ladies, the Austin Taylor Cup playoffs are happening, and thank you to everyone for keeping up with your brackets. Click here to see the results.

For our new program, the 2nd Team Match Play went well. The next two are for competitors to show off the skills they’ve learned. It’ll be fun to strategize and it puts your golf game on an exciting new level.

Here comes more golf:

July has a variety, with a special focus on the Senior Club Championship.

August will bring excitement with the Ryder Cup, our Club Championship, and a new 4-player team tournament on August 24th. Put your own team together!

In September, you will see our Kate Booth House Charity Golf Tournament, a beloved tradition to our venerable club. Come out and support our dear friends at Kate Booth House in all the good work they do. There are donation forms available in the Golf Shop and in the Admin Office, and volunteers are being sought. For information on how you can help, please contact Jane Macgregor at janemacgregor29@gmail.com.

KBH Donation Forms and Sponsorships can be obtained through these two helpful ladies:
Kelly Barber at kelly.barber@shaw.ca
Nina Henriksen at henriksen7@gmail.com
or to donate, go directly to Canada Helps: bit.ly/2zZYMR5

Enjoy the games and to see results from any of our Ladies’ Days and tournaments, head on over to the tab on the Shaughnessy website marked Results, select Ladies and view the results.

Spirits are lifting everywhere as we slowly welcome back socializing, so may we all have more fun golf times together on our beautiful course with our friends walking beside us—enjoying all that is on offer at our special home away from home.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan M. Russell
2021 Women’s Golf Captain


Director of Golf

Golf Report

Dear members,

My team and I met in February to discuss our individual and team goals for 2021. We had just experienced our busiest season ever in 2020 and unfortunately played the least amount of golf in our careers. One of our main goals was to play as many rounds as possible with our members this season. We discussed how valuable it is for us to get to know our members on a deeper level, and we decided spending eighteen holes with someone is the best way to do it. This time gives us a chance to hear any feedback you may have that we can grow from, an opportunity to ask us questions and hopefully we can also offer you a few tips to improve your game. I am happy to report that we have played 135 rounds at Shaughnessy with members thus far. We are going to try to double this number of rounds with the remaining six months of the year. Please feel free to invite us to play with your group if you haven’t had the chance to play with a member of our professional staff and if our time permits, we would love to join you!

If you are not familiar with our team, please watch a video introducing our 2021 Golf Shop staff below:

Respectfully submitted,

Ashley Zibrik
Director of Golf


Director of Tennis

Tennis Report

Dear Shaughnessy members,

Members are now able to book both the Outdoor and Indoor courts for singles and doubles play. The available booking times are between 6:45 a.m. and 8:30 p.m., subject to court conditions. You can book a court by calling either the Tennis Centre at 604-266-9165 or by calling/texting the booking phone at 236-878-4320.

The ball machine is now available. Members can book it the day of.

Members are encouraged to stop playing a few minutes prior to the end of their booking time, allowing you to pack up and maintain proper distancing from the group of members arriving at the court next.

Guests are not allowed on the Tennis Courts at this time.

New Nike merchandise is arriving daily in the Tennis Pro Shop.

Congratulations to all of our 2021 Club Championships Winners:

Ladies Open Winner: Sharon Sauder / Finalist: Carol Lau

Men’s Open Winner: Derek Lau / Finalist: Chris O’Connor

Ladies “A” Winner: Cara Cocco / Finalist: Jennifer Lee

Men’s “A” Winner: Drew St.Laurent / Finalist: Paul Crawford

Men’s Over 55 Winner: Fumi Watanabe / Finalist: Hua Jiang

Ladies Doubles Open Winners: Elizabeth Dobell and Sharon Sauder

Men’s Doubles Open Winners: Fumi Watanabe and Chris O’Connor

Mixed Doubles Open Winners: Carol Lau and Derek Lau

Ladies “A” Doubles Winners: Heather Jenkins and Allison Cimoszko

Men’s “A” Doubles Winners: Trevor Dyck and Jordan Holm

Mixed “A” Doubles Winners: Jennifer Lee and David Hou

Senior Men’s Doubles Winners: Hart Flatt and Ian Carmichael

Respectfully submitted,

Jerome Fournier
Director of Tennis


Club Event Manager

Club Events Report

Dear members,

Firstly, I would like to thank all the members I have met so far that have made me feel so welcome at Shaughnessy in these past couple of months. I look forward to meeting more members and getting to know all of you in the upcoming months.

With the go-ahead from the Provincial Health Order, we were excited to bring back our Friday Night Live Patio Entertainment on June 11th. We have a great lineup of musicians, both familiar faces and new artists that will continue to entertain members on the patio until the last week of September!

On June 19th, we were fortunate enough to be able to host our first wedding ceremony of the season on our beautiful South Lawn. This was not only a special moment for me, planning my first ceremony at the Club, but it was also our first wedding ceremony of 2021.

Our first sit-down event of 2021, the Tennis Club Championships Dinner was a great success. Food curated by our talented Executive Chef James Choi paired with service executed by our Director of Food & Beverage Kerry Enzie was a perfect start to a busy summer ahead.

With the restrictions slowly being eased throughout the summer and the fall, we are looking forward to being able to host many more events at the Club. We will be launching our new Catering Package and our Fall & Winter Events Calendar in the coming weeks. Please stay tuned for further information to come.

We have limited availability left for summer & fall 2021 private events. Please do not hesitate to contact me to further discuss available dates and event options. I am happy to work with you and the most up-to-date Provincial Health Order guidelines to ensure we execute a safe and memorable event for you and your guests. I can be reached by email at perbakan@shaughnessy.org or by phone at 604-264-5247.

I am looking forward to a busy summer ahead of us!

Respectfully submitted,

Piril Erbakan
Club Event Manager

Sat, Jul 10, 2021
Business Women Golf
Saturday Men’s Tennis

Sun, Jul 11, 2021

Practice Club – Co-ed
5:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Porchetta Night
Tue, Jul 13, 2021
Ladies’ Day Senior CC
Practice Club – Men’s Club
Tuesday Men’s Night Tennis

Wed, Jul 14, 2021

Men’s Night
Senior Mixer
Wednesday Morning Masters Tennis

Thu, Jul 15, 2021

5:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Prime Rib Night
Sat, Jul 17, 2021
Business Women
Saturday Men’s Tennis

Sun, Jul 18, 2021

Practice Club – Co-ed
5:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Porchetta Night

Tue, Jul 20, 2021

Ladies’ Day Match Play #3 & Casual Golf
Practice Club – Men’s Club
Tuesday Men’s Night Tennis

Wed, Jul 21, 2021

Men’s Night
Senior Mixer
Wednesday Morning Masters Tennis

Thu, Jul 22, 2021

5:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Prime Rib Night
Fri, Jul 23, 2021
Captains’ Classic
Sat, Jul 24, 2021
Business Women
Saturday Men’s Tennis
Sun, Jul 25, 2021
Practice Club – Co-ed
Porchetta Night

Tue, Jul 27, 2021

Ladies’ Day Blind Partner
Practice Club – Men’s Club
Tuesday Men’s Night Tennis

Wed, Jul 28, 2021

Men’s Night
Senior Mixer
Wednesday Morning Masters Tennis
Thu, Jul 29, 2021
Prime Rib Night
Sat, Jul 31, 2021
Business Women
Saturday Men’s Tennis

4300 SW Marine Drive, Vancouver, BC V6N 4A6
604.266.4141 www.shaughnessy.org